World Class Observatory on top of Mauna Kea (14,000 ft)

Mustache? TRY BEARD! dum dum DUM DUM DUM!!!

Please share in the this experience with me aided by the amazing feats of technology.
It was in the upper 30 degrees farenheit, and the wind's icy fingers froze my exposed skin. If you would have seen a full body shot of me you would notice that I may have been a little ill prepared. I ascended Mauna Kea armed with: A borrowed beanie; dazzling aviators; a beach towel, which in a moment of unparalleled genius, I utilized as a scarf; a cargo jacket; swimshorts; and my tennis shoes. Yes, I said I climbed a 14,000 ft mountain in swimshorts. Wanna' fight about it?
As for Japan I will post up another update soon with the full briefing. One cool thing from this week was this German woman named Susi Childers. She began this school called Photogen X. Essentially, they take a world tour for two years and photograph people. The focus is on social injustice and being a "Voice for the Voiceless". When she was younger she never dreamed of using her talent in such a way to fulfill the purposes of God. I love how Christianity creates radical living. No matter what I do, as long as I hold on to the Father's will, my life will be rich and stimulating. So, I get excited as only a youth can.
Do I have to tell you what the Mama has to say about your attire?????????? Jeeesh, Gavin. Glad you didn't freeze to death!! Mama loves you, you crazy kid.
Love your facial hair!! Love you
Yeah man... liking the 'stache. You beast. Thanks for the pics of you. Great to see your friends too. I am praying for you and the team. I love you... miss you.
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