Kwangtaek, but I call him Hyung Yim (Big Brother)

You can really feel the presence of God on campus. It's a peaceful place like no other. Worship times are hyper-intensive, which I'm not used to. I'd rather just meditate in a quiet place. Although, I think it's proper to celebrate every now and then. There was a big ceremony last night celebrating the 41 nations meeting here in YWAM. Here are some pictures, I think they'll speak for themselves.
Flags held around the congregation.

A dance by the base"host culture"

Spanish Dance.. with fans?

This shot would be better if I could photoshop out the metallic fan and the tiny heads lining the bottom.

Everyone standing up is Korean.

Keep checking back because I'll keep posting.
Hey Gav,
Mommie likes pictures! Keep 'em comin'. Can you say Bean Bean bop?
Take a pic of you and your roomies!
Love you lots. M
I talked to him on the phone!!!!!
Hey Gavin. I'm lovin the pictures. Your video cracked me up. Learn some fancy moves from all your new international friends!! Love you and miss you.
Great pics... I'm liking the vibe. This is good. (island is like..."is"..."land"... which if you are surrounded by ocean... the land "is"... the only "land")Just a side thought. Hmn.
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