So, made it to Kona alive. By the third plane I'd be looking forward to take-off. I bathed in those G-forces. It's beautiful in Hawaii and I welcome the amiable milieu here. The YWAM Base is lush, I'll take some pictures. For now here are some photos/video of my total 14 hour trip.
BTW: Took a practice SAT on the plane and scored myself 2070. I got some work to do, but I'm gaining confidence.
Phoenix Airport (I'm in this video)
Grandma promised me beautiful Hawaiian women and all I got was this guy.


Arriving in Kona presidential style.
Missing you already... checking your blog out.... nice pics, etc.... thankful you had a safe trip. Love Dad
GAVIN!!!! PRAISE THE LORD you got there safe! I look forward to your future blogs over the next few months. I kept looking for you in the video...laughed out loud when I saw exactly HOW you appeared in the video!
Love you SO much!
Gavin, I'm so happy you made it safe and sound, and I look so forward to reading your very entertaining blog! Love you lots, be safe!
Hey, My son!! Duane and I are viewing your blog and loving it. Interesting video. Would have like to have seen more of you. When do we get to see Hula dancers? Duane's request. I want to send you a picture of me reading your blog but am having a time trying to figure out how to do it. Technically challenged. Can't wait to see more pics. Take many, OK?
I just sent you an email from Duane's computer along with some Mommy pictures. Hugs
Glad you made it safe. Sorry about the beautiful hawaiian girls. Diggin the pics, keep 'em coming! Can't wait to see where this adventure takes you kid.
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