Sunday, October 19, 2008

Food for Thought


So once again I've picked up learning Japanese. I unintentionally began a weekly class for my DTS. It was going to be just private tutor time with this guy named John (A Korean student from Tokyo University), but it turned into 12 people in our classroom with John. What was funny was that some people were asking me if I would be attending/knew about it. My friend Yukako (Ashley) promised she would teach me some Japanese, and another girl in my DTS, Yuko, will be helping at Japanese class.

I had a dream last night that I was playing the piano with sticks and everyone was amazed at my talent. It sounded beautiful though, at least in my dream.

I am thinking of writing a story for one of my application essays. If I do write it and finish. Count on me uploading it.

So far things here at YWAM are fine. I pray a lot, we go to worship often, and our speakers have some crazy stories. Sometimes the speaker will prompt our direction, other times the speaker will do nothing and God shows up and everyone gets really excited, etc. etc. I think if I wasn't crazy before I came here, I sure will be by the time I leave. Walking around talking to God all the time (I can't see Him but He comes with me everywhere), abandoning the common sense of the world (Who cares about money, or physical security? I don't!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -Lord help me), and all that good stuff. No one will think me in my right mind.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gav...scoop...Colin Powel's son is a McCain supporter and works on McCains campaign. 200 Generals and Admirals have endorsed McCain. Even Juan, the liberal on Fox said, "of course it's about race" are all the pundits saying same. OF COURSE it's about BO is giving him a spot in his administration...makes you go HMMMMMMMM!!! eh? Aunt Kath

Unknown said...

Hey Gav,
I'm on Duane's computer again so you'll recognize me as Jordan (Duane's son). Learning Japanese is good. I want you to be able to speak complete sentences when I see you next. Are you practicing your piano when you are not dreaming? ...with chopsticks? Love you too much. Duane says Hi.